Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Publication date: May 6, 2012
Format: Hardback, 496pp
Age range: Young Adult
Buy: Barnes and Noble | Amazon
In Book 5: City of Lost Souls, the Shadowhunters struggle to piece together their shattered world after a betrayal by one of their own leaves them reeling.
I'm pretty sure that there will be an official overview of the book sometime soon, since the cover is to be released around Christmas. (Which I'll made a separate post on that when it does come out.)
Can't wait for this to come out!!! I've been a fan of the series since 2009. <33 *squee!*
Also, Clockwork Prince is out! I should be getting mine hopefully this week. It was supposed to ship yesterday, but something went wrong with the credit card and it shipped today. Eh. I ordered it from Books of Wonder in New York when Cassie posted that they were selling signed copies of CP, that also comes with a Shadowhunter poster. And now, it says a Clockwork Prince key chain or the poster. Plus, Walmart and Barnes and Noble have special first editions...that's I wanted...but I wanted the poster and the signed version more. ;P Oh well. At least the special content will be on the net in 6 months. *slowly dies inside*

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