The thing that made me start reading YA books was Twilight when it came out as a movie in 2008. I know, I know. I'm ashamed to say that now, considering I no longer like it that much. But I think it was a good start into the YA lit world. I'm glad I did it, because it grew into a very good obsession. :) After Twilight, I read The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare when City of Glass came out in 2009, and that REALLY made me get into YA books. (That series will always and forever remain in my top five favorite book series. <3) So, I've been reading nonstop ever since, and don't plan on stopping...ever.
So, here’s some quick facts about mahself.
I want to become a photographer, or an artist. I believe in God. My family and my two best friends are the world to me. I don’t like coffee. I love to read, it’s my second most favorite thing in the world. My first is food. I’m working on a book that’s set in Ireland, right now it’s just a thought in my head lol. I probably fantasize about fictional characters way too often, which isn’t healthy. I fangirl a lot, mostly about books, tv shows, hot celebrities, movies, etc. I can’t read unless it’s totally quiet, but if it’s raining, then that’s okay too. I’m tall. 5 foot, 8 1/2 inches to be exact.I can’t go to sleep without listening to music first. I love video games. I love anime/manga. I hate being corrected, I’ll find out that I’m wrong eventually. (Unless it’s absolutely necessary lol.) I don’t like it when I ask people a question, and they answer back with a question. I’m mostly straight forward. I’m a Harry Potter geek, though I haven’t read the books…yet. But I've seen all the movies. I love music, mostly heavy metal or screamo. My taste differs a lot, depends on my mood. I don't like sushi/California rolls. I have a birthmark on my elbow that's in the shape of a butterfly. My favorite drink is Dr. Pepper. I have two black cats, one girl the other a boy(he has some white on his chest). I have a dog, who I grew up with starting at age five. Which makes him 11 going on 12 years old. I love Norse, Egyptian, and Greek mythology.
Hope that helps!
Bye, loves! Thanks for stopping by! :)

"I love Norse, Egyptian, and Greek mythology." Same here but I am Egyptian based in Egypt so most of the time I m surrounded by Egyptian Mythology.
ReplyDeleteYou are so sweet girl.
That's awesome! :D What's it like?
DeleteAw thank you!